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Food Tips

Just about everyone is strapped for money, time or both. These food tips will help you learn how to save money at the grocery store, keep food fresh for longer and give you a better understanding of all your ingredients.

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Stock vs. Broth: What’s the Difference?

Even though the two generally sit right next to each other in the grocery aisle, there's a difference between stock...

Here’s the Truth About Refrigerating Butter

It would be much more spreadable if we could keep it at room temp.

The Secret to Getting the Freshest Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

Doughnuts are good, but fresh doughnuts are better.

9 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Preparing Mashed Potatoes

Avoiding these common mistakes will ensure your carb fix is even more delicious.

This Is the Best Hot Dog Brand, According to a Taste Test

Looking for the best hot dogs to pop on the grill? We put the most popular brands to the test.

You’ve Been Eating Chicken Wings All Wrong

You'll never eat chicken wings the same way again.

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These Are 15 of the Oldest Chain Restaurants in the Country

Can you guess which one was introduced first?

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This Is the Easiest Way to Peel Garlic

Goodbye, garlicky fingers.

This Is the Real Reason Restaurants Have Specials

"Would you like to hear the specials?"

18 of the Weirdest Food Combinations People Have Admitted to Trying

Some of these strange food combinations are pretty wild. Don't knock it 'til you try it though—pizza with Nutella...

This Is Why Apples Have Those Little Spots All Over Them

Hint: They have to do with the apple's ability to "breathe."

Can You Guess the Name of These British Foods?

Winner of this quiz takes the crown!

Why an Undercooked Burger Is More Dangerous Than Undercooked Steak

You should never, ever eat a rare burger—here's why.

Why Is Wagyu Beef So Expensive?

Hint: It has to do with marbling.

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet: Does It Really Work?

Is this diet fad all it's cracked up to be?

Why You Need to Be Cooking Your Pasta in Red Wine

Cooking your pasta in red wine sounds too good to be true, but it can and should be done!

7 Ways You’re Shortening the Lifespan of Your Refrigerator

Believe it or not, it's easy to break your refrigerator. These seven common habits could be taking years off your...

The Best Ways to Reheat Fried Chicken

If you want all the flavor and crispiness as you had day one, you need to try this method.

22 Surprising Things You Wouldn’t Think to Grill—But Should

Spice up your next barbecue by tossing something unexpected—unexpectedly delicious, that is—on the fire.

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15 Restaurants You Didn’t Know Changed Their Names

These household names weren't always so recognizable.

This Is the Safest Internal Temperature for Cooked Chicken

Plus, the best way to tell when it's reached that temperature.

9 Ways You’ve Been Cooking Fish Completely Wrong

Planning on making fish for dinner? Learn what not to do before you start cooking.

Case Closed: Here’s Where You Should Store Your Ketchup

Does ketchup have to be refrigerated? We're answering one of the most hotly contested questions of our times.

The Sneaky Ingredient That’s Hiding in Your Shredded Cheese

From extra sharp cheddar to Italian blend, cheese is best when you spring for blocks instead of the pre-packaged shredded...

The Scary Reason You Shouldn’t Reuse Cooking Oil

A recent study on the effects of reheated cooking oil on the body draws an alarming conclusion. You may never...

The Dangerous Reason You Shouldn’t Eat from a Dented Can

You may be tempted to avoid the dent in your can of beans, but you may want to think twice...

12 Foods with More Iron Than Spinach

This mineral keeps your body and mind performing at their peak, but many people just don't get enough.

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9 Restaurants You Never Knew Had Secret Menu Items

You’ll want to order all of these delicious, and sometimes ginormous concoctions that you never knew existed!