A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Relationships - Parenting

There’s SO much parenting advice out there, and it can be hard to know how to weed out the good from the bad. But we’ve done our best to give you the Reader’s Digest version of honest, heartfelt parenting tips and stories.

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Mitch Albom on What It Means to Be a Real Father to a Special Orphan

What is a real father? An orphan in Haiti teaches ­­bestselling author Mitch Albom a wonderful new definition.

11 Kiddie Pools to Keep Children, Dogs, and Adults Cool This Summer

Who says kiddie pools are just for kids? These backyard must-haves are perfect for anyone who needs a break from...

40 Great Graduation Gifts to Celebrate This Milestone

These thoughtful graduation gift ideas are the perfect ways to say congratulations at every life stage.

50 Funny Parent Tweets That Perfectly Nail the Highs and Lows of Parenting

Even the best parents need somewhere to vent about their little angels.

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50 Amazing Dad Quotes

Celebrate your dad every day of the year.

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21 of the Best Scavenger Hunt Riddles

Make your way through our collection of scavenger hunt riddles and clues to lead you all over the house on...

The 10 Silliest Snow Day Superstitions You Believed as a Kid

Remember when a snow day meant sledding followed by hot chocolate and a cartoon binge? No wonder we would try...

The Problem with Birthday Balloons No One Talks About

If you think that balloons are just a bit of harmless fun, think again. Find out the serious risks they...

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This Is What School Was Like 100 Years Ago

Your great- (or great-great) grandparents really did have to walk five miles in the snow to get to school! Here's...

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25 Facts You Learned in School That Are No Longer True

You don't want your kids to think you're a dinosaur—bring your knowledge up to date with these new facts.

A Teacher Told Her Students to Draw What They Were Thankful for—This Was One Student’s Moving ...

As this teacher learned, some of the most moving lessons are taught by students.

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Heartwarming Stories of Teachers Who Changed Their Students’ Lives

Good educators share knowledge. 
Great ones make an impression that stays in their students’ hearts forever.

8 Children’s Nursery Rhymes That Are Actually Racist

Can a catchy little rhyme really be that problematic? Yes—and it’s one way racism was inextricably woven into American life....

How Pink and Blue Became the “Girl” and “Boy” Baby Colors

Pink was once considered to be for boys (seriously)!

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The Real Reason the School Year Doesn’t Start in January

This year, going back to school is fraught with challenges and personal decisions. But while we're on the subject, isn’t...

14 Crazy Facts About Earth You Never Learned in School

The planet is almost 25,000 miles around and 4.54 billion years old, and humans are still discovering some of the...

33 Middle School Vocabulary Words Adults Still Get Wrong

Think you have a strong vocabulary? See how many of these common 8th grade reading words you can recognize when...

This “Periodic Table” Shows How Each Element Plays a Part in Our Daily Lives

If you (or your kid) ever wondered why we need to learn about the periodic table, this is for you!

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Here’s Why People Give Teachers Apples

The story behind giving apples to teachers goes all the way back to schoolhouses on the western frontier

15 Weird Museums You Never Knew Existed

Some museums hold stranger collections than others. Here’s our list of the exceptionally odd ones.

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I’ve Homeschooled My Kids for 3 Years—These Are My Best Tricks

While many parents are being forced into homeschooling for the very first time because of COVID-19, I've been doing it...

Can You Pass This Elementary School Math Test?

Kids today... are tackling some serious math problems. Take this test to see if you can keep up with the...

45 Free Online College Courses from the Best Colleges and Universities

Not all college-level education has to cost you an arm and a leg!

14 Incredible Kids Who Changed the World in the Last Decade

For Absolutely Incredible Kid Day on March 19, children and adults alike will be inspired by the amazing accomplishments of...

Can You Pass This Quiz of 4th Grade Science Questions?

Elementary school science is probably where you learned a lot of what you know about how the natural world works....

Why Writing—Not Typing—Will Make You Smarter

Choosing a pen over a keyboard does wonders for your memory.

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Should Schools Bring Back Cursive Handwriting?

A variety of educators and politicians across the country are pushing back against the death of cursive, resurrecting the rite...