A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


For better or for worse, technology is the new frontier. When it comes to navigating the web, avoiding hackers, and enjoying our devices—Reader’s Digest is here to lead the way and help you get the most out of our interconnected world.

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Why I Quit Facebook and Instagram—and I’m Never Going Back

Here's what happened when I decided to log off these popular social media sites forever.

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8 Things in Your Home That Could Be Spying on You

With more and more items connecting to the Internet, it's easier than ever for hackers to gain access.

8 Bizarre Things That Can Get You Banned from Facebook

If you want to continue sharing cute puppy videos with all of your Facebook friends, you should probably stop doing...

The Truth About 10 Household Items That Have Been Rumored to Kill

Who among us hasn’t fished a piece of toast 
out of the toaster with a fork, figuring, 
“Hey, I know...

12 LinkedIn Mistakes That Can Cost You the Job

In today’s tech-savvy world, your LinkedIn profile needs to be sharp, crisp, and impressive to both potential employers and colleagues....

9 Hidden Symbols You Never Knew You Could Text

Whether you go for Apple or Android, every grammar nerd will love these tricks that finally perfect your punctuation.

This Is What T-Rexes Actually Sounded Like

Hint: it's not like the movies.

This Is Why You Never See B Batteries

The most common batteries you will encounter are AA, AAA, C, and D. But what happened to the B battery?

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Change Your Settings Immediately If You Use Any of These 25 Passwords

If you use these 25 worst passwords of the year, you'll want to change your settings immediately—or risk having your...

This is Why the Letters on a Computer Keyboard Aren’t in Alphabetical Order

ABCDEFG seems to make a lot more sense than QWERTY. This is why designers went with the latter.

These Are the Types of People That Are Most Likely to Be Distracted Drivers

Tempted to send a text while you're hauling down the freeway? Psychiatrists have a pretty good idea what your gender...

This Is What Outer Space Smells Like (No, Seriously)

Sounds like we live in a rather stinky universe...

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Take These 5 Steps to Insure That Your Identity Is Protected Online

Every time you pull out your credit cards, you're giving someone an opportunity to steal your identity. Follow these steps...

If You Blink In Every Photo, Don’t Worry—Photoshop’s Got You Covered

Not quite as funny as googly eyes, but a smidge more practical.

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23 Tips to Prevent Identity Theft and Other Cyber-Scams after the Big Equifax Breach

Remember when you got your first credit card? So does Equifax, which also knows your name, Social Security number, and...

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Significant Locations: How Your iPhone Knows Where You’ve Been

This feature has existed on the iPhone for years, but hardly anyone knows about it. Here’s how you can see...

5 Times You Should Never, Ever Give Out Your Social Security Number

Giving out personal information like your Social Security Number makes you vulnerable to security breaches—but the good news is that...

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This Is the Age Group Most Likely to Fall for Phone Scams—and No, It’s Not Baby Boomers

Turns out, being better with technology doesn't mean you're smarter against hackers.

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20 Surprising Historical Connections That Are Mind-Blowing

Sometimes history plays funny tricks on us. Some animals we think of as prehistoric lived long enough to have their...

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This Trick Will Make Sure You Never Get Fooled By a Fake Photo Again

Read this before you share another photo on social media.

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If You See This Message on Facebook, Don’t Click! It’s a Virus.

Hackers could be making a lot of money off of this cyber scam.

This Causes 11,000 Injuries a Year—and You’re Probably Doing it Every Day

Can't walk and chew gum at the same time? Then you shouldn't even think about walking and texting because the...

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There’s a Surprisingly Easy Way to Delete Yourself from the Internet

We all probably have wanted this service at some point or another.

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How to Get Water Out of Your Phone: 5 Steps to Save a Wet Smartphone

Accidents happen. Here's how to keep a klutzy moment from destroying your phone.

Here’s How Long You Should Wait for a Response to That First Text Message

At what point do you stop staring at your phone and realize that you probably won't be hearing back? It...