A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


For better or for worse, technology is the new frontier. When it comes to navigating the web, avoiding hackers, and enjoying our devices—Reader’s Digest is here to lead the way and help you get the most out of our interconnected world.

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7 Things to Never Share About Your Children on Social Media

What's so risky about posting smiling, finger-painting photos of your kids on social media? Surprisingly, a lot. Here's what not...

7 Tricks to Make Yourself Stop Texting and Driving

Despite knowing the dangers of texting and driving, many people still do it. Take these steps to keep your hands...

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Malware Infections Spike in November and December—Here’s How Protect Your Personal Info

Cyber-savvy scammers are standing by to snag our personal information and infect our devices with malware. Here's how to protect...

11 Ways the Most Productive People Handle Their Emails

Even though it’s meant as a tool for productivity, email end up as nothing more than a distraction. Productivity expert...

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10 Hacks to Free Up Space on Your iPhone (Without Deleting Photos!)

Tired of the message, “There is not enough available storage"? Read on.

The One Magical Text Message Guaranteed to Improve Anyone’s Day

If you really want to make someone feel appreciated, there's a simple, 12-word text message that will instantly boost their...

22 Tricks to Keep Your Office Desk Neat

'Sanitation Weekly' just named your office Dump of the Year. You’ve worked hard for this honor—hoarding junk, creating a dust...

Genius Uses for Your Extra Coat Hangers

Double your closet space, remove static electricity from your clothes, make a 30-second iPad holder and more extraordinary uses for...

Here’s How Science Could Make Your Memories Last Forever

If you could save the memories in your brain like a computer’s hard drive, would you? Soon, that could be...

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“She Stole My Life!”: A Cautionary True Tale About Identity Theft Everyone Must Read

"She Stole My Life!": A Cautionary True Tale About Identity Theft Everyone Must Read

4 Things You Can Learn From the Dumbest WikiHow Articles

The popular how-to website can be a lifesaver—except for when it doles out bizarre, hyper-specific advice no one really needs....

How Unhealthy Is Binge Watching? Press Pause, and Read On

Binge-watching might be worse for you than you think, according to the latest research, but here's what you can do...

My Love Story, Before Social Networks

The tale of a man who traveled across two countries and an ocean to follow the love of his life.

Need a New Computer? 7 Key Questions to Ask First

If you think it's time for a hardware update, make sure you go through this checklist first.

What Is Bitcoin, and How Does It Work?

Bitcoin isn't as complex as it sounds. We break down the crypto concept so you can understand it and decide...

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How Google Became the Best Place to Work

For the fourth consecutive year, Google was named the best company to work for by Fortune magazine. Here's why.

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7 Computer Pranks to Try on Your Friends

Have some fun at work with these mischievous computer pranks—but don't be surprised when your cubemates strike back.

10 of the Goofiest Facebook Groups

No thought is too random, no grievance too petty, to keep people from organizing a group.

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How to Avoid Online Dating Scams

Common sense will tell you that sending money to a stranger is a bad idea. Here are more tips to...

5 Best Group Coupon Sites

Are you always searching for ways to save?

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Top Security Threats of Smartphones (2023)

You might be surprised by the hidden security threats lurking inside your trusty mobile device.