A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


As your trusted friend, we’re here with the “Reader’s Digest version” of social issues that impact the world around you. From gun violence statistics to the history behind the black power fist, and how to be an LGBTQ ally, our explainers will break it all down.

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Is the Pandemic Over? Here’s What the Experts Say

Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, and there's reason for hope.

Women of Ukraine Fight Back: How They’re Revolutionizing the Role of Women in War

The Ukrainian women who opted to stay in the country during the Russian invasion have taken on a variety of...

I Fled Ukraine—Here’s Why I’ll Definitely Go Back

Ukraine will always be my home—and no Russian invasion will change that.

How Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky Is Redefining Leadership for a New World

Volodymyr Zelensky went from political comedian to political icon in a remarkably short time. And his unique skill set...

The Complicated Ukraine-Russia War, Explained in Simple Terms

As war erupted in Ukraine, many people wondered how things got to this point. Here, we break down Russia and...

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What Is Book Banning, and How Does It Affect Society?

The United States has a long history of book banning, and it’s not only picking up steam—it’s also becoming more...

Why Do Supreme Court Justices Serve for Life?

It's a question many have about the U.S.'s highest court—and the rationale dates back to America's founding.

What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Important to Understand?

Critical Race Theory has been alternately criticized and celebrated, but do you actually know what it is? Here, experts define...

8 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch Coronavirus

Nope, the pandemic isn't over. Here are the places where experts say you're most likely to catch COVID-19.

55 BLM Charities (and Organizations) to Donate to Right Now

Here's how to donate to Black Lives Matter, along with 55 BLM charities and organizations that deserve your donor dollars...

The 10 Best Face Masks for COVID-19 Protection and Comfort

A new variant means it's time for a new mask.

Henry Louis Gates Jr.: The Lasting Impact of Alex Haley’s “Roots”

Alex Haley’s landmark book began in Reader’s Digest, where he worked as a senior editor. Its impact is still being...

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13 Air Travel Rules You Should Know Before Flying During the Pandemic

Getting ready to fly? Read these important rules before you head to the airport to make sure you're cleared for...

This Is the Word of the Year for 2021

This year's winner is a centuries-old throwback.

8 Things You Need to Know About the Omicron Variant

With new information about Omicron emerging every day, scientists are understanding more about how the new Covid-19 variant spreads—and what...

35 LGBTQ Books Everyone Should Read, Chosen by Queer Authors

We asked 16 queer authors to share the best LGBTQ books they've ever read. Here are their top picks.

Should You Get Your COVID-19 Vaccine and Flu Shot on the Same Day?

What's the safest COVID-19 vaccine and flu vaccine spacing per the CDC? Here's what experts say about those and other...

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13 Things That Are About to Get More Expensive

Get ready to shell out even more for some of your go-to items, thanks to shipping wars, labor issues, and...

How to Respond When Someone Says “All Lives Matter”

There is actually a productive, positive way to counter this statement that can help promote understanding and combat racism.

The 36 Best Books by Hispanic Authors You’ll Want to Read Right Now

From memoirs to Gothic horror novels, YA fiction to essay collections, these books by Hispanic authors feature fresh perspectives and...

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9 Things You May Not See in Theme Parks Anymore

Theme parks are open again, but you'll definitely notice some differences if you visit one right now.

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What Hotel Buffets Look Like Now, Post-Pandemic

Plated meals, an increased reliance on waitstaff, and higher costs may become the new normal for this popular hotel staple.

What Anti-Racism Means and What It Means to Be Anti-Racist

It's not enough to get mad about racial inequality. You have to do something about it.

Colorism vs. Racism: What’s the Difference?

Even within minority communities, discrimination persists in unexpected ways. If you’ve never heard of colorism, here’s what you need to...

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Here’s Why Amazon Doesn’t Sell These 14 Things

Amazon has everything, right? Well, nearly everything. These 14 items can't be purchased from the retail giant.

20 Podcasts About Race You Need to Hear

Learning about race relations in America has to be a deliberate choice, and the responsibility falls on all of us....

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6 Things You Won’t Be Able to Do on Airplanes Anymore

In the long run, air travel might not change as drastically as you might think. But some of the short-term...

What Does Non-Binary Mean? Understanding This LGBTQ Term and Why It’s Important

Gender isn’t always a straightforward issue, but being respectful about how someone identifies is. Here’s what you need to know.