A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Pets & Animals

Whether you have a fur baby you adore, are thinking of getting one, or are just an animal lover, this is the place for you. We’ve got answers to your pet questions and advice, fascinating facts about creatures big and small, and, yes, cute pictures.

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Dog Adoption: 19 Before and After Photos That Will Melt Your Heart

From heartbreaking to heartwarming, these rescue dog transformations are undeniably the most affirming images you will see today.

This Man Only Adopts “Unadoptable” Animals—And He Now Has 21 Pets

After the death of his beloved dog Wolfgang, Steve Greig started rescuing older dogs and giving them forever homes in...

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12 Telltale Signs Your Cat Is Happy

Wondering if you’ve got a happy cat? If your kitty is exhibiting these purr-fectly content behaviors, the answer is yes!

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14 Common “Facts” About Cats That Are Actually False

How many of these cat myths did you believe were true?

14 Amazing Photos of Cheetahs in the Wild

These big cats are ready for their close-ups! Here’s a glimpse of what life is like for cheetahs in their...

How Many Cheetahs Are Left in the World?

December 4th marks International Cheetah Day, reminding us to help protect the world's fastest land animal—the most threatened of the...

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Does My Cat Love Me? 12 Ways Your Cat Secretly Shows Affection

Some cats are more obvious about the appreciation they have for their owners than others. Here are some ways your...

14 Things You Need Before You Get a New Puppy

Before you give in and add that family member you didn't know you needed, read this checklist of the must-have...

Dog Language: The Meaning Behind 12 Weird Noises Your Dog Makes

A handy guide to translating the yips, yaps, yowls and wimpers of dog language so you can communicate with your...

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What Happens When a Plane Collides with a Flock of Birds?

It's a bird...it's a plane...it's a midair nightmare?

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13 of the Bravest Dogs in History

From rescuing swimmers to flying into space to saving countless soldiers' lives, these dogs have done some pretty incredible things.

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Can Cats Eat Dog Food?

You’ve probably caught your cat sneaking a few bites of the food your dog left in their bowl, but can...

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4 Reasons Your Cat Is Cranky

Petulant puss? Tetchy tabby? Here’s why your kitty may be out-of-sorts.

Animal Cruelty Could Soon Become a Federal Crime—But Why Are Puppy Mills Still Allowed?

The PACT Act makes animal cruelty and abuse illegal on a federal level, but does it go far enough in...

Heroic Cats Who Served in the Military

While honoring military servicemen and women this Veterans Day, it'd only be fair to tip our hats to the cats...

13 Weirdly Fascinating Facts About Jellyfish

Think you know all there is to know about jellyfish? Think again. These simple invertebrates are a lot more complex...

16 Funny Pet Slang Words You Never Realized Existed

Humans already talk to their pets in baby voices, so why not throw in a few of these ridiculously hilarious...

Can You Guess the Dog Breed Based on its Puppy Picture?

We'll give you a few hints—these pups are the most popular according to the American Kennel Club and we'll even...

20 Things You’re Probably Doing That Veterinarians Wouldn’t

Vets went to school to learn the dos and don'ts of animal care. Here are the mistakes they're not making...

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How Smart Is Your Dog? Here’s How to Tell

Is your dog an escape artist? Can he find the treat bag, no matter where it's hidden? Don't be mad—be...

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8 Pets to Get If You’re Allergic to Cats and Dogs

If you and fur don't mix, you are certainly not alone. The good news is that you've got options.

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How to Give a Cat a Pill—and Actually Get Your Cat to Swallow It

Cats are about as thrilled to take pills as they are to take baths. Yet the time may come when...

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How Do Cats Automatically Know How to Use a Litter Box?

Cat owners agree on the fact that it's convenient that they don't have to train their cat where to go...

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How to Bathe a Cat Without Getting Scratched

Cats rarely need baths, but when they do, it's not something they—or you look forward to doing. Still, cats might...

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Why You Might Want to Hold Off on Neutering Your Dog

Think spaying or neutering your dog as a puppy is best for their health? New research says waiting might be...

13 Things You Never Knew About Manatees

These gentle giants are not only adorable—they’re also fascinating. Here are a few surprising facts about perhaps the sweetest sea...

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Can Cats Drink Milk?

You may want to think twice next time you pour your cat cow's milk.

Why Your Dog Has Bad Breath—and How to Get Rid of It

Find out what your dog's breath might be telling you—and what you can do about it.