A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Pets & Animals

Whether you have a fur baby you adore, are thinking of getting one, or are just an animal lover, this is the place for you. We’ve got answers to your pet questions and advice, fascinating facts about creatures big and small, and, yes, cute pictures.

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The Dog Breeds with the Most Wins at the Westminster Dog Show

You may be surprised to learn that popular breeds very rarely take home the prize.

Here’s How Much Money Westminster Dog Show Winners Earn

The answer probably isn't what you're expecting.

13 Animals That Can (Supposedly) Predict the Weather

The humble groundhog isn't the only beast with prognostication skills.

10 Famous Groundhogs Besides Punxsutawney Phil

Will spring come early this year? These famous groundhogs will let us know!

This Could Be Why 9 Beloved Dog Breeds Will Never Win Westminster

It's not your favorite dog breed—it's the judges.

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Why Do Cats Love the “Pspspsps” Noise So Much?

Why does "pspspsps" seem to be the Rosetta Stone of inter-species communication?

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The 13 Funniest Names of Westminster Show Dogs

Starfire's Spank Me Hard Call Me Crazy—the next Fifty Shades of Grey or the name of a dog? Believe it...

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17 Things Your Cat Actually Wants from You

From the right type of cuddles and the perfect snoozing spot to a whole lot more kitty litter, here's what...

7 Penguin Secrets That Were Hidden for a Century

Turns out penguins may not be the cute and cuddly creatures the world perceives them to be.

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60 Things You Didn’t Know About What Makes Your Pet Tick

What's actually going on in their cute little fuzzy heads?

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13 Facts About the Westminster Dog Show

Everything you never realized you wanted to know about the famous canine competition and its posh purebreds.

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Meet 53 Shelter Dogs That Need Forever Homes Right Now

These adorable shelter dogs are looking for their forever families. Welcome one of them into your home for unconditional love—and...

How Many Koalas Are Left in the World?

This year's bushfires in Australia have decimated already-vulnerable koala populations. Will they ever recover?

This Penguin Species Could Disappear By the End of the Century

A new study notes that the Emperor penguin is marching toward extinction.

9 Medical Reasons Why Your Dog Might Smell Bad

Your dog might not just need a bath or a good toothbrushing. Lingering smells can signal potential ailments that need...

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14 Best Short-Haired Dogs for Your Family

These short-haired dogs are adorable, family-friendly, and don't need regular appointments at the groomer!

13 Ingredients You Never Want in Your Pet’s Food

You might be shocked at what's hiding in your pet's food. Take a good look at those labels, and watch...

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When Is It Too Cold for Cats to Go Outside?

If you have an outdoor cat, you need to know their limits during the winter months and when you should...

The Most Adorable Animal Stories in 2022

From alcoholic bears to cats on treadmills, why animals are seriously the best.

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Can You Pass This Cat Trivia Quiz?

If you're a true cat aficionado, you're in the right place! Put your knowledge to the test and see if...

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28 Vintage Photos of Dogs Being Our Best Friends

If you've ever owned a dog, you know how quickly they become a member of the family.

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Can You Pass This Dog Trivia Quiz?

We're putting your dog knowledge to the test with these 13 questions!

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When Is It Too Cold for Dogs to Go Outside?

Dogs aren’t immune to the cold temperatures of winter. Make sure you know the facts so your dog doesn’t suffer.

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How Dogs Bark in Different Languages

Dogs, in a way, are "multilingual"; humans who speak different languages have come up with different ways to represent the...

11 Monogamous Animals That Mate For Life (It’s Not Just Penguins)

We can all learn a lesson in relationships from these loving animal couples.

Dog Obedience Training: How to Find the Best Training School

Whether you want to teach your new puppy basic manners or your rescue dog needs some refresher training, here's what...

How Many Types of Monkeys Are There in the World?

We're not monkeying around: Find out all the fascinating facts about these incredible animals.

The 15 Most Amazing Animal Photos From 2019

Prepare your heart: These incredible images of birds, reptiles, primates and more will restore your wonder in the world.

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23 Things You Do That Your Dog Actually Hates

How would you feel if someone gave you unwanted hugs and commanded you to "make friends" with everyone you meet?