Teachers are everyday superheroes, often going above and beyond the basic job requirements to ensure their students not only get a quality education but also feel heard, loved and supported. (Many teachers even spend their own money to buy snacks, clothing or school supplies for kids.) Teachers change lives, and we are so grateful! One of the best ways to share your gratitude is to write a thank-you note to a teacher.

Thank-you messages can make all the difference,” says Laura Myers, a middle-school teacher in Smithfield, Utah. “I keep them in my classroom, and I pull them out on hard days and read them to remind myself why I’m there and why I stay in what is becoming a harder and harder job.” Whether you’re a current or former student, or the parent of a student, it means the world to teachers when you let them know what a difference they’ve made. That’s the reason many of them went into teaching in the first place!

Writing a thank-you note to a teacher isn’t just about knowing what to say or following etiquette rules. “Ultimately, thank-you notes are about strengthening relationships,” says etiquette expert Kelly Browne, author of 101 Ways to Say Thank You. “Whether handwritten or delivered digitally, a well-crafted thank-you note will make the teacher feel appreciated and make you feel happier—it’s a win-win situation.”

There’s no wrong time to write a thank-you card for a teacher, but it’s customary to write a note around the holidays, at the end of the year, when they retire or during Teacher Appreciation Week. (Mark your calendars: For the upcoming school year, it’s Monday, May 5, 2025, through Friday, May 9, 2025.) You may also want to express your gratitude to a teacher who has gone above and beyond to help your child—or you might want to reach out to some of your teachers from way back when. Trust us: They’d love to hear from you.

Below, you’ll find everything you need to know about how to write a thank-you note to a teacher, along with examples of teacher thank-you notes to get you started in writing your own.

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Thank-you notes to teachers from parents

Best Things To Write In A Thank You Note To A Teacher on school supplied flat lay top view background orangeRD.com, Getty Images

  • You’ve been one of Kelly’s favorite teachers ever. She loved reading time, the stories you picked and how you made them feel real.
  • Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all the extra help you gave Jane this year. She’s totally caught up now, thanks to you!
  • Thank you so much for arranging all the field trips and extras. I know that was a lot of added work for you, but it meant so much to Ari.
  • Your social studies unit on current events has really changed how Lyla thinks about things and has made for some great dinner discussions. I so appreciate all the extra thought and preparation you put into your lessons.
  • I will be forever grateful for all the help you gave us making sure that Madison had everything she needed to succeed this year. You have been such a bright spot during a dark time for our family.
  • Thanks for being such a great teacher! We hope you enjoy your summer break, and we’ll see you next year.
  • Thank you so much for being a listening ear for Leo during this difficult year.
  • Thank you for being so vigilant and for watching over our kids. Clarissa is a happier, stronger and more compassionate child because of your example.
  • You are the best! We are so grateful that Teddy had you as his teacher for fourth grade. It was such a big year for him, and he learned so much.
  • Thank you so much for all your hard work with Jordan this year! He feels ready and excited to move on to middle school.
  • Thanks so much for “treating” Amara every day with new lessons and activities. We hope you enjoy this special treat she picked out for you!
  • Alejandro loves to read now—thanks for giving him such a beautiful gift.
  • You bring so much energy and joy to your teaching. It made Addie excited to go to school every morning.
  • All your hard work on behalf of our students did not go unnoticed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for making this year so special.
  • You’ve had a huge impact on Simon this year, and we will never forget it. Thanks for being someone he can look up to.
  • I think we learned as much this year as Marlon did because he always told us so much about your lessons. Thanks for making learning so fun.
  • Teaching is one of the hardest jobs there is, but it’s also one of the most important. Thanks for sticking it out with us.
  • Your passion for teaching shines through in everything you do, and we are so grateful for the impact you’ve had on Prisha this year.
  • Thank you, not only for the academic lessons you’ve given Jaron but also for being such an amazing role model and mentor to him.
  • Who knew there were so many fun ways to learn about science? Thanks for opening up Janelle’s mind and helping her fall in love with learning.

You’re not required to send a thank-you note to your child’s teacher, but it’s a kind gesture. Well-deserved praise is bound to put a smile on the face of any hardworking educator.

Thank-you notes to teachers from students

Best Things To Write In A Thank You Note To A Teacher on school supplied flat lay top view background blueRD.com, Getty Images

  • Thank you for teaching me how to read and understand poetry. Reading and writing poems is one of my favorite things to do now, and every time I do, I think of you.
  • You made school so fun. I was excited to wake up every morning.
  • Eighth grade was one of the hardest years of my life, and knowing that I would see you every day made all the difference.
  • I want to be a teacher when I grow up so I can be just like you.
  • You believed in me when I didn’t even believe in myself. Thanks for inspiring me to dream bigger.
  • Thank you for creating such a safe, happy space where we could all learn and grow together.
  • Your lessons always inspired me to learn something new and to keep researching, even after we moved on to another topic.
  • Thank you for seeing more in me than I saw in myself and holding me accountable every day.
  • Three things I loved about your class: your jokes, your passion for learning and the class bunny.
  • This is the year that math finally clicked for me—all thanks to you.
  • Your class was my favorite part of the school day.
  • Thanks for listening every time I needed to talk.
  • Your generosity and patience with us this year meant so much to me.
  • Thanks for all the times you made me laugh and for teaching me to see the positive.
  • You are the reason I passed AP Chemistry, and I will always be grateful to you.
  • This year, I didn’t sleep through my alarm even once … because I had you for first period.
  • It’s been a wild ride this year with everything in my life—thanks for being my seat belt.
  • I never thought I’d say this, but I really love school! Thanks for teaching me to love learning.
  • You are one of my heroes. Thank you for being the kind of person I want to be when I grow up.
  • Who knew history was so fascinating? Oh, wait, you did! And now I do too. Thank you!

No, this isn’t homework. It’s a way to show respect to someone who’s helping you on your way to a better future. At the very least, pick out a cute card, write “Thank you, teacher” inside (add a gratitude quote to truly express how you feel) and give it to your instructor with a bag of Hershey’s Hugs and Kisses.

Short thank-you notes to teachers

Best Things To Write In A Thank You Note To A Teacher on school supplied flat lay top view background greenRD.com, Getty Images

  • If I could give you a grade, it would be an A++.
  • Thanks for being the best teacher ever.
  • Thank you for inspiring me.
  • Thanks for creating such a safe and fun learning space.
  • Thanks for all you do for our kids!
  • It’s been a privilege having Marcus in your class this year.
  • You are funny, kind, warm and so smart: The perfect teacher.
  • You are a testament to the teaching profession.
  • Teachers are angels on Earth.
  • Thanks to you, English is my favorite subject now.
  • Thanks for always believing in me—even when I didn’t believe in myself.
  • You are a bright light shining in our students’ lives, a beacon of hope and learning.
  • You are more than a teacher to me. You are a hero.
  • Only you could make calculus this fun. Thank you!
  • I’ll never forget your class.
  • Thanks for letting me ask all the questions. And thanks for taking the time to answer them.
  • Thanks for being my biggest cheerleader. It means the world to me.
  • It takes only one person to change a child’s life, and that’s you.
  • You leave such a legacy of love and wisdom.
  • I see all the blood, sweat and tears you pour into your class. Thank you.

A heartfelt thank-you note is all your teacher needs to feel your appreciation, but a small thank-you gift wouldn’t hurt. Consider giving your No. 1 educator a mug, mini plant or other desk accessory.

Funny thank-you notes to teachers

Best Things To Write In A Thank You Note To A Teacher on school supplied flat lay top view background orangeRD.com, Getty Images

  • Your love of learning is contagious, and I’ve never been so grateful to be infected by something.
  • I finally figured out why you wore your sunglasses to class every day. It’s because we’re so bright!
  • I promise I’ll dedicate my Nobel Prize to you someday.
  • I want to be just like you when I grow up. Except taller and not bald.
  • Thanks for putting up with us. You deserve a whole year of summer breaks!
  • I’m smarter, funnier and (dare I say?) better looking after your class this year. Thanks!
  • Thanks for always going the extra mile for our class—literally, you saved us on field day.
  • You taught me so much this year, but I do have one last question: Who is your favorite student, and why is it me?
  • If teachers are superheroes, then you’re Batman. You can’t fly, but you do have a really cool car.
  • You deserve an award for everything you had to put up with this year. (Did the ketchup on the ceiling ever come off?)
  • They say teaching is a thankless job, and you know I like to be contrarian, so I have to prove them wrong: THANK YOU.
  • Thanks for teaching me how to do stats—or at least fake it well enough to get through a job interview.
  • Thanks for ins-pi-ring me to love geometry.
  • Thanks for being my gym teacher. I really got a kick out of class, and you were always on the ball.
  • I don’t want to be dramatic, but you deserve a standing ovation for all the work you did on the school play.
  • If school is a cookie, then you are the chocolate chips. Thanks for not being raisins.
  • If it weren’t for you, I would still think that Rumi was a rapper, Fahrenheit 451 was a cookbook and the word supposably was 100% correct. Thanks for saving me from myself.
  • Thanks for teaching me the Pythagorean theorem. It’ll definitely come in handy next time I need to find the hypotenuse of my slice of pizza.
  • I’m so sorry for your loss … of me as your student.
  • You do so much. You deserve a million dollars, but I’m a kid, so I just got you this card (with a million hugs in it).
  • If there were a trophy for the best teacher ever, I would get it for you. But since there’s not, I got you this card. (You’re still the best teacher ever.)

Want to give your teacher even more laughs? Send one of these funny thank-you memes along with your note.

Graduation thank-you notes to teachers

Best Things To Write In A Thank You Note To A Teacher on school supplied flat lay top view background blueRD.com, Getty Images

  • I just want to let you know what a difference you made in my life. At the start of my senior year of high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. But after taking your business class, I am inspired to go to college and become an entrepreneur. Thank you for taking the time to share your passion with me!
  • I never thought I’d say this, but thank you for having such high expectations of me and holding me to such a high standard. I achieved more than I ever thought I could.
  • Over the years, I’ve had many teachers, but none have made as much of an impression on me as you have. I’ll always be grateful to you.
  • You are the reason I’m going to college. Thank you for inspiring me.
  • You didn’t just teach me math; you taught me how to tackle challenges, learn from mistakes and keep going no matter what—and those are skills that will benefit me my entire life. Thank you.
  • I’m so blessed to have had you as a teacher. Your lessons will stick with me for a lifetime.
  • Thank you for everything you did to set me up for success in the future.
  • Every time I look at my diploma, I’ll remember the countless hours of work I put into it—and the countless hours you spent helping me.
  • At first, you weren’t the teacher I wanted, but you turned out to be exactly the teacher I needed. Thanks for pushing me to become a better version of myself.
  • You weren’t just a teacher to me; you’ve been a leader, a mentor, a confidante, a cheerleader and a friend. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you and helping me learn to fly.
  • You worked a true miracle in my life, and I will always be grateful to you for everything you taught me.
  • Thank you—not just for everything you did for me in high school but also for your years of dedicated service to the thousands of students who’ve passed through your class. You are a light to all of us.
  • They say a good education can change anything, but a good teacher can change anyone. You are that teacher for me.
  • I couldn’t have made it to graduation without your help and encouragement! Thanks for believing in me.
  • I don’t have the words to tell you how much you mean to me and how much you have helped me over the years. (Probably should have paid more attention in English class!) So thank you from the bottom of my heart.
  • I hope you know that graduation day is as much a celebration of you as it is of us, the graduates. We couldn’t have made it to this moment with you.
  • There were so many times when I was ready to give up on school, but you wouldn’t let me. And now, I’m not only graduating, but I’m also headed off to college. Thanks for being there and never giving up on me.
  • Thank you for being such a great teacher. I will carry your words and inspiration with me long after graduation. You will always have a special place in my heart and mind.
  • Don’t underestimate your effect on the world. You may be just one person, but as a teacher, you’ve helped so many of us become better people, which will make for a better world.
  • As I celebrate this huge milestone in my life, I want to thank you for your confidence in me and all your help.
  • We did it! We crossed the finish line!

A short message and a thematic graduation quote will tell your teacher how much you appreciate their support. But nothing beats an original message from the heart.


What is the best thank-you message for a teacher?

“Acknowledgments of kindness, compassion and respect are key when writing a thank-you card to an educator,” says Browne. Teachers love to hear three things in a thank-you note:

  • An expression of gratitude

  • What you’re grateful for

  • How they made you feel or helped your life

Want to go above and beyond? Include a picture, drawing, quote about teachers or thought from your child, suggests Browne.

Myers also loves this take on the traditional note: “I love the handwritten notes where the kids get to write what they really think,” Myers says. “A recent favorite was a holiday card that said, ‘Thanks for being my teacher and forgetting to give us homework last week because I have things I like to do better. And oh, yeah, Merry Christmas,'” she says. “That one made my whole day because it was so honest.”

What else should you keep in mind when writing a thank-you note to a teacher?

Elementary students showing their thank you note to teacherKALI9/GETTY IMAGES

All thank-you notes are appreciated, but if you really want to make a teacher feel special, here are some ways to take your thank-you card to the next level.

  • Handwrite the card. Sure, a teacher can save an email, but seeing the card you (or your child) chose and any pictures the student drew personalizes it even more.

  • Send an email in a pinch. Don’t have the time or energy to handwrite a thank-you note? Sending a quick email or text will also make a teacher’s day, says Browne. Sharing your gratitude is always more important than the method you use to share it, so don’t get tripped up by old-fashioned etiquette rules.

  • Make it specific. Teachers like knowing that you’re grateful, but they love knowing exactly what they did that made a difference.

  • Skip the “but.” Sometimes parents are tempted to include a gripe along with their praise, but this is not the time or place. A thank-you note to a teacher should just focus on the positives and your gratitude.

  • Add something from your child. While teacher thank-you notes from parents are always appreciated, educators love it even more when the child writes (or draws) something too. This is also the perfect way to teach children how to perform small acts of kindness.

  • Let the administration know too. “If a parent really wants to show their gratitude, it’s even better when they copy the thank-you note and tell our administrators what they like about us,” says Myers. “Administrators spend so much time dealing with problems, the positive things really stick out in their minds.”

What mistakes should you avoid when writing a thank-you note to a teacher?

Girl writing in notebookHAPPYKIDS/GETTY IMAGES

“The biggest mistake you can make writing a thank-you card is not writing it,” says Browne. “Too many people will make a mental note of their gratitude and then forget to express it to the other person.” Other than that, here are a few common mistakes people make when writing a thank-you note to a teacher.

  • Don’t be overly simple or general. Simply saying “thanks” is nice, but on its own, it isn’t meaningful. That said, short thank-you notes to teachers are completely fine!

  • Don’t lie. Some parents may feel pressure to say their child loved something when they didn’t. Find something you’re truly grateful for, and write about that rather than making something up.

  • Don’t use a crude card. Jokes and puns are funny, but make sure they’re appropriate.

  • Don’t skip talking to your child. Their experience will shape what you write, and they should be a part of the process.

  • Don’t criticize. This isn’t the time to vent or critique the teacher’s skills or share ways you think they can improve.

  • Don’t compare. It’s fine to say that this teacher is one of your child’s favorites. It’s not OK to say, “Simon liked you so much more than Mr. P!”

  • Don’t worry too much about grammar and spelling. The message of your card is the most important thing. Remember: The teacher isn’t grading you!

Write a thank-you card to a teacher today

“One of my favorite notes, which I still think about a lot, was from one of my third graders years ago. He wrote, ‘You have a great energetic voice for reading us stories!'” says Myers. “English is my favorite subject, and there’s nothing I’m more passionate about than inspiring a love for reading, so it meant everything to me that he felt that.”

You don’t need to wait for an occasion. If anything in this article sparked an idea for something you are grateful for, grab a card and write that thank-you note to a teacher! Even if you think it’s something small—or it was something that happened years ago—it will be meaningful to that teacher. And our teachers deserve all our gratitude.

About the experts

  • Kelly Browne is an etiquette expert and the author of 101 Ways to Say Thank You: Notes of Gratitude for Every Occasion.
  • Laura Myers is a middle-school teacher in Smithfield, Utah.

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At Reader’s Digest, we’re committed to producing high-quality content by writers with expertise and experience in their field in consultation with relevant, qualified experts. We rely on reputable primary sources, including government and professional organizations and academic institutions as well as our writers’ personal experiences where appropriate. For this piece on how to write thank-you notes to teachers, Charlotte Hilton Andersen tapped her experience as an etiquette writer and spoke with Kelly Browne, an etiquette expert and the author of 101 Ways to Say Thank You, and Laura Myers, a middle-school teacher in Smithfield, Utah. We verify all facts and data, back them with credible sourcing and revisit them over time to ensure they remain accurate and up to date. Read more about our team, our contributors and our editorial policies.
