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Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    Here’s the Real Reason We Propose with Engagement Rings

    The history behind this tradition dates back to ancient times, and it wasn't always so romantic.

    Can Reading Fiction Actually Make You a Better Person?

    Calling all bookworms! This one's for you.

    16 Things Every Parent of Young Children Desperately Wants You to Know

    Parents of young children have more on their Mickey Mouse-shaped plates than ever before. Between play dates, doctor's appointments, and...

    11 Things to Never Post About Your Relationship on Social Media

    When it comes to social media and relationships, less is definitely more. Here’s what experts say should stay offline.


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    13 Social Media Etiquette Rules You Really Need to Stop Breaking

    Sitting in front of a screen is a freeing feeling, but just because you can say what you want doesn't...

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    If Your Car Starts Sinking Under Water, Here’s How to Save Your Own Life

    You've just driven your car into a river or over the side of a bridge into a lake. What can...

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    11 Best Movie Happy Endings Ever

    There's nothing like a bona fide feel-good ending to lift your spirits. Get ready to cry tears of joy with...

    Quiz: So You Think You’re a Crossword Puzzle Expert? Prove It!

    Test your knowledge of these words from the 2016 American Crossword Puzzle Tournament.

    What’s With the Hype Over Hygge? How to Incorporate This Danish Philosophy into Your Daily Life

    Dreading the cold, dark months? This Danish tradition just might change how you feel about winter.

    10 Warning Signs Your Child Is a Bully

    With one out of every four children getting bullied this year, it's a growing epidemic. But what if your child...

    How to Reduce Food Waste: 19 Tips for Cutting Back

    Learn how to stop wasting food, save money and make the world a healthier place

    Why Does Asparagus Make Your Pee Smell Funky?

    Ever enjoyed feasting on spears of crisp-tender asparagus and then noticed a strange odor when you pee? Numerous studies have...

    10 Caring Ways to Support a Coworker Who Has Breast Cancer

    For starters, never assume a coworker battling cancer wants to minimize her workflow.

    8 Household Products that Are Natural Makeup Removers

    Traditional wipes and makeup removers may contain harsh ingredients that can strip skin of the natural oils it needs to...

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    What Your Favorite Flower Says About Your Personality

    Roses, tulips, sunflowers, and more... Your favorite flower may hold the key to your personality. Find out what your flower...

    The 6 Hidden Strengths of Being a Messy Person

    Why do neat freaks get all the credit? Messy people have the edge: they're relaxed, flexible, and possibly more intelligent.

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    7 Etiquette Tips for Dealing With a Cheap Friend

    Need help dealing with a friend who’s tight with their cash? Take these tips from Jodi RR Smith, nationally recognized...

    Everyone Should Know the “20-Second Rule” for Breaking Bad Habits

    Make nasty habits a little harder to follow, and your brain will do the rest.

    11 Exotic Origins of Everyday Things

    So THAT's where poker came from.

    8 Genius Brain Boosters You Can Do With Your Kids

    Simple brain exercises to do with your kids that help you stay sharp, get smarter and perform better at work...

    11 Adorable Facts You Never Knew About Teddy Bears

    Spoiler alert: The Teddy Roosevelt story isn't as heartwarming as you thought.

    These 4 Online Dating Opening Lines Will Get You The Date—And These 4 Will Get You Ghosted

    No matter what your dating app of choice, coming up with a cool, creative, can-we-just-get-to-the-actual-date-part opener can be a challenge....

    10 Secrets to Create a Lovely Yard, According to Landscape Architects

    Surprising tips from architects, landscapers, designers and more experts to create a soothing getaway right outside your front door

    11 Practical Ways to Be Your Own Bodyguard Everyone Should Know

    A crash course in self-defense to thwart muggers, kidnappers, and other thugs.

    6 Simple Brain Games That Will Make You Feel Stronger, Happier, and More Resilient

    Try these games that tap your innate genius to build a happy and resilient brain.