A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Personal Technology

Move over sci-fy! The world of the future is here today. We’re surrounded by smart TVs, phones, watches, cars, houses, and hundreds of others interconnected devices. With the whole world at our fingertips, it’s more important than ever to stay safe, stay informed, and stay on top of the latest and greatest.

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Should People Stop Using Cash in a Post-COVID-19 World?

We know you're doing everything you can to keep your family safe—so should you stop using cash? How big is...

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How to Retrieve Deleted Text Messages on Android Phones

If you act quickly, you may be able to save that important message you tossed in the virtual trash

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If You’re Not Following These Rules, You’re an Easy Target for Scammers

We share a lot of personal information online, including credit card numbers and social security numbers—and scammers know how to...

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9 Zoom Scams Experts Are Warning About

Before you schedule another virtual happy-hour with your friends or a work meeting with colleagues over Zoom, you might want...

How to Make Your Phone Charge Faster: 14 Tips from Tech Pros

Low battery? Boost your charging speed and learn how to charge your phone fast with these expert-approved tips.

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What Happens When You Ignore Security Warnings on Your Computer

Those warning pop-ups may be irritating, but they're there to ensure your computer can intercept, and neutralize, malware threats.

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5 Ways Hackers Can Take Control of Your Car

It might seem like something out of a movie, but the risk is real. Find out the different dangers—and some...

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Here’s How Filthy Your Cell Phone Really Is

It’s time you start washing your phone as often as you wash your hands.

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8 Places You Should Never Use Free Wi-Fi

Is the convenience of free Wi-Fi really worth the risk to your personal information?

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Facebook Messenger Scams Are on the Rise—Here’s How to Protect Yourself

Facebook Messenger scams are "rare," according to Facebook. Our experts say otherwise. Whichever is true, falling for one can be...

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15 Cell Phone Accessories You’ll End Up Using Every Day

Given our dependence on smartphones, the idea of making them even more useful is not just enticing—it's exciting. See what...

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11 Ways You’re Shortening the Life of Your iPad

You might want to rethink using your iPad without a cover. Learn the surprising ways you’re shortening the life of...

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Here’s How Often You Should Be Restarting Your Everyday Devices

We'd be lost without all the smart technology in our lives, but how often should we restart our devices? We...

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15 Things You Didn’t Know Your Mac Laptop Could Do

You won’t believe what you’ve been missing—and how much easier it will make your life.

How to Unfreeze an iPhone

Here's what you can do to restart your phone now, plus tips to prevent another crash in the future.


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16 Hidden Android Features You Never Knew About

You may love your Android now, but just wait until you learn how much more it can do…

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How to Stop Spam Texts on an iPhone or Android

Watch out! An unexpected text can go from simply annoying to malicious, which is why you'll want to know how...

How to Sign a Document on Your Computer

More businesses are moving into the future by embracing e-signatures. Here’s what you need to know to sign correctly and...

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12 Password Mistakes That Hackers Hope You’ll Make

Passwords are supposed to keep us safe, but they can be an open door for hackers to attack our finances...

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13 Mistakes That Shorten Your Laptop’s Life

A laptop is a big investment, so you want to keep it in good shape for as long as possible....

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10 Sneaky “Deals” That Are Actually Money Scams

How do you tell the bargains from the boondoggles? Be alert for these common ploys that can end up costing...

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The Gift-Card Scam You Need to Watch Out for

As the holiday season rushes full steam ahead, gift-card scams are on the rise. Learn how to detect and prevent...

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If You See This Post on Social Media, Ignore it! It’s a Scam

This scam has been circling the Internet for years.

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“Smart Hotels” Are Booming—But Is Your Privacy in Danger?

Is staying in a smart hotel all that smart if you want to keep your information private? Know the risks—and...

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What Is a Credit Score? The Secret Formula Behind That Magic Number

What you pay for a house, a car, clothes, even groceries, will likely depend on three digits you probably don't...

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Unknown Caller? These 10 Phone Scams Could Steal Your Money

Step away from your phone! If you don't know these new scams identified by the FCC, you could be a...

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15 Things You’re Doing to Your iPhone That Apple Experts Wouldn’t

These very common mistakes can cause some very big problems. Avoid them to keep your iPhone running smoothly for as...

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Before You Hit “Unsubscribe” on Unwanted Emails, Read This First

Being flooded with spam emails is certainly annoying, but beware of the danger that lurks in your inbox. Experts warn...

How to Delete Photos from Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sometimes, once you've uploaded a photo to Facebook, you realize that you'd rather not have it on the social network...