A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

17 Light Bulb Jokes That Make You Sound Smart

Updated Jun. 27, 2024

A smart light bulb joke: Is there such an animal? Indeed, there is! This breed of gag is known by its world-weary insouciance, obscure literary references, snarky jabs at intellectuals, and the need for the joke teller to look up words like insouciance before using them.

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Light bulb joke: How many polite New Yorkers …

But they might need to call in a third to yell, “Hey, I’m workin’ here!” to anyone who gets too close.

2 / 17

Light bulb joke: How many fatalists …

No point in messing with the inevitable. Check out these other 75 corny jokes you can’t help but laugh at.

3 / 17

Light bulb joke: How many archaeologists …

Now that’s a bright idea!

4 / 17

Light bulb joke: How many bureaucrats …

And they’ll burn out dozens more bulbs in the process.

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Light bulb joke: How many board meetings …

Sorry, zoned out. Remind me: Where are we on the light bulb problem again?

6 / 17

Light bulb joke: How many Chinese Red Guards …

Next time, maybe just stick to the basic task at hand. Don’t miss these 14 jokes only history buffs will understand.

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Light bulb joke: How many accountants …

Hopefully that bulb is good for your bottom line.

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Light bulb joke: How many Harvard students …

But you wouldn’t expect the elite to change their own light bulbs anyway, would you?

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Light bulb joke: How many Apple vice presidents …

Sorry we asked.

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iStock/Thomas Demarczyk

Light bulb joke: How many chiropractors …

Talk about a pain!

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Light bulb joke: How many mystery writers …

Didn’t see that coming, did you?

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Light bulb joke: How many gym-rats …

Don’t worry, one of them will be spotting in case he drops the bulb.

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Light bulb joke: How many actors …

It’s just a stage they all go through. These are 50 bad jokes you can’t help but laugh at.

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Light bulb joke: How many psychiatrists …

They can only help a bulb help itself.

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Light bulb joke: How many WASPs …

Housework is hard work!

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iStock/Thomas Demarczyk

Light bulb joke: How many Jewish mothers …

It’s an effective strategy.

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Light bulb joke: How many college football players …

Universities should just make “working out” a major. Don’t miss these other 75 short jokes anyone can remember.

Reader's Digest
Originally Published in Reader's Digest