A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Do you love to learn? If so, you’ve come to the right place. From mind-blowing facts to grammar mistakes to psychology terms, get ready to exercise your brain.

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    What Are Hot Dogs Made Of, Exactly?

    We get to the bottom of what goes into hot dog production, and learn about all the ingredients. Hint: It's...

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    Why Are There 10 Hot Dogs in a Pack but Only 8 Buns?

    I'll never understand why this wasn't fixed a long time ago!

    8 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch Coronavirus

    Nope, the pandemic isn't over. Here are the places where experts say you're most likely to catch COVID-19.

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    13 of the Weirdest Discoveries Archaeologists Have Made

    Relics left behind by ancient humans are typically broken, buried, and hard to identify, but then there are some that...

    What Is Chai Tea, Exactly?

    Add some sugar and spice to your life with masala chai, a delicious tea with a fascinating history and surprising...

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    What Does “Erin Go Bragh” Mean?

    Here's the "Erin go Bragh" meaning and where the common St. Patrick's Day saying came from. Hint: It's rooted in...

    30 Fancy Words That Will Make You Sound Smarter

    We all want to sound smarter. With these fancy words, you can take your vocabulary to a whole new level...

    Meet the Woman Who Turns Chip Bags Into Sleeping Bags for the Homeless

    How one environmental justice advocate is helping the most vulnerable while also diverting trash from landfills

    Are Bottle Caps Recyclable? What to Know

    You took your last sip, but are bottle caps recyclable? Here's what to know!

    55 BLM Charities (and Organizations) to Donate to Right Now

    Here's how to donate to Black Lives Matter, along with 55 BLM charities and organizations that deserve your donor dollars...

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    14 Olympic Moments That Changed History

    These inspirational and controversial Olympic moments have left the deepest impressions on the world—and the Games themselves.

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    What Do the Olympic Rings Symbolize?

    The famous Olympic rings logo is more than 100 years old, but its symbolism is ageless.

    16 Groundhog Facts You Need to Know for Groundhog Day

    You don't want to miss these fascinating facts about Groundhog Day and the furry critters that we celebrate every February.

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    21 Commonly Misspelled Words and How to Spell Them

    If you've ever second-guessed yourself while trying to spell words like "beautiful," "receive," and "license," you're far from the only...

    20 of the Most Challenging Jigsaw Puzzles You Can Buy

    Experts say that challenging puzzles activate new parts of your brain to help you solve them. Here are some of...

    Which One Doesn’t Belong? Try to Spot the Image That’s Different

    Which one doesn't belong? See if your eyes can spot the difference!

    What Is Wordle—and How to Win, According to Experts

    Wordle is part strategy, part luck, and a bit addictive!

    What Is Business Casual? A Guide to Dressing for the Office

    Office wear today is far from the stuffy attire of the past, and once you know what business casual is,...

    The 10 Best Face Masks for COVID-19 Protection and Comfort

    A new variant means it's time for a new mask.

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    If You See Bloated Food Packaging, This Is What It Means

    Steer clear of products with bloated packaging at the store. It's a food safety issue—here's why.

    If You See a Red Porch Light, This Is What It Means

    What does a red porch light mean? You often see them in February, but it's not for Valentine's Day.

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    What It Means If You See a Dog with a Red Collar

    Be on the lookout for these color-coded dog accessories.

    Henry Louis Gates Jr.: The Lasting Impact of Alex Haley’s “Roots”

    Alex Haley’s landmark book began in Reader’s Digest, where he worked as a senior editor. Its impact is still being...

    50 Valentine’s Day Trivia Questions on All Things Love

    These Valentine's Day trivia questions with answers cover everything, from romantic movies and love songs to Valentine history for kids...

    Why Is Cupid the Symbol of Valentine’s Day?

    Valentine Cupid is one of the popular Valentine's Day characters, but how much do you know about this chubby mythical...

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    13 Air Travel Rules You Should Know Before Flying During the Pandemic

    Getting ready to fly? Read these important rules before you head to the airport to make sure you're cleared for...

    Why Do We Say “Quit Cold Turkey”?

    Planning to let go of a habit or two cold turkey in the New Year? Learn where that expression comes...

    100 Things Turning 100 in 2022

    It’s a big deal to celebrate such a big number, and we should know, because Reader’s Digest is turning 100...

    The Fascinating History Behind These 24 Christmas Symbols

    How did decorated trees, cut-out cookies and stockings by the fireplace become Christmas symbols?