A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World

Personal Technology

Move over sci-fy! The world of the future is here today. We’re surrounded by smart TVs, phones, watches, cars, houses, and hundreds of others interconnected devices. With the whole world at our fingertips, it’s more important than ever to stay safe, stay informed, and stay on top of the latest and greatest.

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8 Things to Never Store on Your Smartphone

Using your cell phone as a master archive for your personal information? Please be aware this convenience may come at...

Is My Apple Watch Waterproof?

We know you've frantically wondered this after getting your Apple Watch wet—here's what you need to know.

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15 Ways to Get Better Cell Reception in Your Home

Getting lots of dropped and choppy calls at your house? Here are simple things you can do to fix the...

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This Is the Least Reliable Cell Phone Company in America

If you’re constantly dropping calls and waiting forever for webpages to load, you might have this cell phone provider.

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How to Know If Someone Blocked Your Number

There are a couple of clues that can help you figure it out.

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Your iPhone Can Be Hacked with a Laser Pointer—Here’s How

Beware: New research has found a scary way for attackers to secretly hack your iPhone's virtual assistant.

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12 Warning Signs It’s Time for a New Cell Phone

Don’t be caught off guard. If your phone is exhibiting any of these symptoms, it could be starting a downward...

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How to Delete All the Photos on Your iPhone

Follow these simple steps to free up storage space by deleting all photos on your iPhone—without losing them for good.

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How to Tell If Someone Is Spying on Your iPhone

It's scary to think that someone might be spying on your iPhone, but you can take steps to prevent and...

91 of the Funniest Things to Ask Siri

From tips to tricks to silly quips, Siri has it all. And these funny things to ask Siri definitely won't...

How to Recover Deleted Photos from Your iPhone

Accidentally deleted a photo? Don't worry—recovering deleted photos on your iPhone is easy when you follow these simple steps.

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Why Your iPhone Doesn’t Always Let You Decline Phone Calls

Ever wanted to decline a call but all you can do is "slide to answer"? Here's why.

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5 Ways You’re Shortening the Life of Your Amazon Alexa

Are you treating Alexa right? If not, you’re going to need a new device a lot sooner than you expect.

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10 Most Common eBay Scams to Look Out For

eBay opens up a new world of used items and can't-miss deals. It also opens up the possibility of scams...

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Here’s Why iPhones Don’t Let You Record Calls

Don't even bother searching through the Settings app to try to find a feature that will let you record phone...

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If You Get These Texts, Delete Them Immediately

Friends and family aren’t the only ones who text you. Scammers do too!

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Can You Use AirPods with an Android?

The short answer is yes, you can, but there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind first...

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The Dangers of TikTok That Are Worth Your Attention

We all love TikTok, but there are many things we don't know yet about the app. After you click agree,...

Best Android & iOS Security Apps for Safeguarding Your Phone

With data breaches on the rise, it's more important than ever to safeguard the treasure trove of personal information that...

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How to Turn Off Voice Assistants

Tech companies might not want you to turn off your device's voice assistants. But you can, and it's easy to...

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11 Things Only the Samsung Galaxy Can Do

iPhone users, you might get jealous of these unique features that only the Samsung Galaxy has.

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11 Phone Battery Myths You Really Have to Stop Believing

Is it bad to leave your phone plugged in overnight? Do you have to wait until your battery dies to...

9 Ways Your Cell Phone Company Is Overcharging You

Overpaying isn't part of your contract.

14 Things You Didn’t Know Your iPad Could Do

If you're not using these features, you're missing out on the chance to make your iPad experience a whole lot...

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12 Hidden Smartphone Codes You Should Start Using ASAP

Impress your most tech-savvy friends with these secret smartphone codes they probably don’t know.

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8 Creepy Things Your Smartphone Knows About You

With passcodes, passwords, and location tracking, smartphones collect hoards of data on users. Here's what you should know about everything...

10 Vintage Computers That Could Be Worth a Fortune

You probably think of your old computer as useless—but wait before you throw it out!

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4 Signs a “Work from Home” Job Offer Is Actually a Scam

With the new world of widespread remote work, you might be especially eager to consider a job offer or listing...

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How to Delete Multiple Facebook Friends at Once

It's probably time to purge your Facebook friends list. This guide will help you cut out negativity, oversharing, and random...