Oodles of super cute kittens will brighten just about anyone's day
50 Photos of Cute Kittens That Will Make You Melt
Pictures of cute kittens that’ll make you say “aww”
Everyone loves cat pictures (and puppy pictures too). They’re adorable and often hilarious, and they put you in a better mood instantly. But photos of cute kittens take things to another level entirely. How can you possibly resist sweet little fluff balls exploring the world around them with wide, innocent eyes, or cuddling up whenever the mood for a nap strikes them, or just doing silly kitten things? You can’t, so don’t bother!
Below, you’ll find some of the cutest pictures of kittens. These baby animals are curious creatures, and you can often find them hugging, ambushing and licking people and objects around them (not to mention chasing their own tails!). So, trust us when we say this entire photo-driven excursion of cute kitten pictures will be the best part of your day.
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Hey, guys, it’s me up here!
It doesn’t get any cuter than this cat and dog photo … or does it? Keep scrolling to find out!
Welcome to Cat Nap Academy
Am I doing it right, Mom? Do I have to close my eyes?
Pawdon me, just here to snuggle
This cute kitten has us dreaming of all the squishiest and cutest pet names. Princess Furball, anyone?
Friends fur-ever
These cute kittens are definitely contenders for the list of sweetest animal friendships.
Cathlete of the year
This fluff ball is the cuddliest little cathlete we’ve ever seen. We love how he’s keeping his eyes on the competition—or is that the prize?
We see you, little kitty! This cutie is so small, she looks like she can fit in the palm of your hand.
Nothing beats a mother’s love
This sweet baby is just about the most adorable thing we’ve ever seen, and we’re kvelling over her mother’s attentive love.
Who wants to play all day?
This adorable kitten has a dog as its partner in crime. We’re betting they’ve got a play date over salmon and some pet toys all planned out.
I’ll love you fur-ever
How sweet is this duo? A cute kitten photo that features a human child and a cat child seems equals 1,000% adorable.
A purrfect pair
These interspecies buddies are enough to make our hearts sing. We’d definitely like to join their picnic!
She’s got something cat-astrophic planned
You can just tell by the look in her eyes. Plus, those paws seem pretty aggressive … in the sweetest possible way. Quick—distract her with some toys so she stays away from your curtains and best upholstery!
Coffee talk, anyone?
Kittens understand that their humans love to kick back with a hot drink and some good conversation, and the hippest cats find ways to join in. This gorgeous tabby is ready for a round of gossip around the food bowl.
She didn’t ask for this
Kittens definitely don’t love baths, but they’re extra snuggly after they have freshly pouffed fur.
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid (and the rest of the Aladdin soundtrack lyrics) come to mind when we see this cute kitten perched up high in his owner’s hand with a full city view behind him.
My new mailing address is in Snuggle City
Please forward all mail to Snuggle City from here on out. If you’re unfamiliar with the area, you should visit—it’ll be your new favorite place. Looking for a cuddler of your own? You’ll definitely want to peruse this list of the most affectionate cat breeds.
Did you fur-get me in here?
The tiniest kittens can fit just about anywhere!
You look fur-miliar
Have I been shipped your way in the past?
Feline so much love
Every mama on the planet loves kisses and cuddles from her baby.
On the plus side, someone’s learning about cause and effect. Hopefully, Mom will see it that way!
Someone grab a mop
This small kitten has our hearts melting all over the floor. Cleanup on aisle cute!
Most adorable teacher’s pet
We mean this both figuratively and literally, of course. And now we’re ready to sign up for whatever the class is on.
Pawdon me, I made a mistake
I think I broke something precious in the other room. Come check, come check!
Ain’t no meowtain high enough
Ain’t no river wide enough, to keep me from meowing to you! (Just imagine that cat pun being sung in meow-voice.)
Dogs are in-fur-ior to kittens
This is all the proof you need. Heathens! Not every dog has a perfectly groomed and fluffy coat, but even ugly dogs are adorable—and make the perfect addition to a loving home.
Big purr-sonality for a tiny body
This cute kitten’s big personality is so great, it has begun to attract other adorable creatures.
Whisker me away!
If you’re thinking of traveling with your kitty, these are the best pet-friendly hotels in America. Try somewhere warm. Maybe a place with a lot of fresh fish and sun-drenched windows for me to rest in.
Can I paw-lease have some too?
This friendly little human is being a real pal by offering a straw to the handsome little feline playmate sharing the picnic blanket. Drink up, kids!
Family time is pretty claw-some
There’s nothing like a family meal with everyone gathered around the table. These cute kittens love their warm dinner almost as much as they love their mom.
Hey, you found me!
I thought this hiding spot was pretty good, but I guess even a few piles of hay aren’t enough to keep you from finding me for a cuddle.
Now that’s a purr-se
Kittens: Don’t leave home without one. They’re 100% guaranteed to enhance any ensemble.
Happy purr-thday to you!
You look like a kitten, and you smell like one too. Now make a wish!
Cat and paste
Press Command Cat + Command V on any Apple keyboard to double your cute kittens.
Mmmm … fresh bis-cats
Nothing beats a tray of fresh bis-cats, warm milk and a good nap with frothy dreams of bouncing feather toys.
Don’t cat off your nose to spite your face
Even ugly cats can be incredibly cute. These two look like they’re about to get up to no good, though.
Everything but the kitten sink
She ate all the sushi leftovers, so she’s ready for a good nap now. This sink’ll do just fine—thanks for asking.
Five more minutes
Do I have to go to work today? It’s just too much ef-fur-t.
A tiny photogra-fur
We’d take endless photo direction from any kitten this cute.
A penny fur your thoughts?
This interest-accumulating cuddles account is the best bet in the market, and it pays snuggly dividends each day.
Out fur the count
This looks like the kind of deep sleep everyone can rally around. Sweet dreams, cutie-pie!
What good paw-sture you have
That’s a tempting treat, isn’t it? It looks pretty appealing to hungry species of all types. This pet has purrfect table manners too!
Of course I’m an expurrt
I’ve gone to several days of training and received a dual degree from the University of Meow.
Barking freaks meowt
It’s just so loud! Who taught dogs to do that? At least we kittens have better meow-ners.
Tabby … or not tabby?
That is the question. And the answer in this case is obviously a resounding yes, tabby!
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