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From Royal Family news across the pond to bestselling books, we’ve got you covered on need-to-know information.

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370 Disney Characters from Your Favorite Movies and Shows

A comprehensive list of your favorite Disney characters awaits, from Abu to Zero!

The Best Way to De-Stress, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Should you go blow off some steam or cuddle up with a good book? Here's what calms each zodiac sign.

41 Inspiring Happiness Quotes to Brighten Your Day

Happiness is a practice, not just a feeling

9 Secret Messages Hidden in World Famous Sculptures

There's more than meets the eye when it comes to these well-known statues and artistic creations. Here's how a faulty...

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11 Secrets You Never Knew About Princess Diana’s Love Affair

We give you an intimate look at the man who stole Princess Diana’s heart and their private relationship.

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What 2021 Has in Store for You, Based on Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

It's not just about what you expect from the Ox year, but what the Ox expects from you.

15 Hardest Puzzles You Can Get on Amazon

Looking for the ultimate challenge? These mind-bending jigsaw puzzles will test your skills—and keep you thoroughly entertained.

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What You Probably Didn’t Know About Hasnat Khan, the True Love of Princess Diana’s Life

Cardiac surgeon Hasnat Khan was the love of Princess Diana's life, but he's revealed very little about their relationship. Now...

Your Favorite Fall Cookie, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Are you more pumpkin chocolate chip or cranberry pecan?

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This Is What Famous Book Characters Would Look Like in Real Life

An artist uses police-sketch technology to build a case against the way Hollywood casts literary icons. The results may surprise...

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Your Favorite Chore, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

From vacuuming to laundry, no one likes doing chores—but there are certain ones that you're probably better at, according to...

11 Amazing Black Artists Who Have Been Flying Under the Radar

They're bringing vibrant bursts of color to canvases in an increasingly diverse art world.

15 Fascinating Facts About Dictionaries That Will Make You Want to Pick One Up

From dropped words to fake definitions, learn fun facts, hearsay, and scandal about our most useful language resource, and the...

Principal Ballerina Misty Copeland: What Her Mom Taught Her About Being Black in America

Success and breaking barriers have not pacified Misty Copeland. Instead, Copeland continues to use her platform to highlight the need...

Famous Last Words from 18 Iconic People

These folks had it all figured out

8 Children’s Nursery Rhymes That Are Actually Racist

Can a catchy little rhyme really be that problematic? Yes—and it’s one way racism was inextricably woven into American life....

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25 Spooky, Silly Halloween Books for Kids

Boo! Read these adorable books with your kiddos to get the whole family in the Halloween spirit.

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9 Disney Characters You Can’t Meet in the Parks Anymore

Meeting your favorite characters is one of the best parts of a trip to a Disney park, but there are...

10 Examples of Whitewashing You Never Thought About

What happens when White supremacy, culture, and storytelling collide? The big bang erases diversity from our history books, our entertainment,...

This Is What Whitewashing Really Means—and Why It’s a Problem

For decades, whitewashing has taken a diverse, multicultural world and tried to paint it one color. The picture has never...

The Perfect Casserole for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

What's for dinner—creamy macaroni and cheese or chicken potpie? Here's the casserole you should whip up for dinner according to...

A New Harry Potter Theme Park Is Here—and It’s 300,000 Square Feet of Pure Wizarding Fun

Muggles heading to Tokyo can now experience J.K. Rowling's wizarding world first-hand—original movie sets and magical tricks included

15 Best Places to Ski in the U.S. This Winter

Take a look at the best places to ski in the United States, along with recommendations made with your family's...

10 Examples of Cultural Appropriation You Never Thought About

It’s not "just entertainment." Get ready to cringe at this unflinching look at some of your pop culture favorites.

11 Popular Songs You Didn’t Realize Are Actually Racist

You may have been singing along to them for years, but have you ever really thought about their lyrics? If...

70 of the Funniest Books of All Time

Get ready to wake up the person sleeping next to you. Here are dozens of funny books guaranteed to make...

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The Best Audiobooks for Your Next Family Road Trip

Audiobooks are perfect for passing the time on long car rides. These terrific selections will keep a wide range of...

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13 Times Princess Diana’s Body Language Told the Real Story

What's the one language in which lying is virtually impossible? Body language. And that's as true for a royal as...

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16 Surprising Facts About the U.S. Post Office

For starters, did you know that the postmaster general earns more than the vice president.