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11 Daily Morning Habits of Highly Organized People

Notice how certain people seem to have effortless, calm mornings while the rest of us rush through early hours in...

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You Can Listen to Daniel Radcliffe Read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone—for FREE

Celebrities are reading the first book of the Harry Potter series. Here's how you can listen along.

10 Books That Predicted the Future

It's almost as if these authors had a crystal ball to peer into...

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15 Punniest Book Titles That’ll Give You a Good Laugh

If you're looking for a bit of comedic relief, here are a few titles that may make you laugh out...

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3 Signs Your Streaming Accounts Have Been Hacked

Binge-watch safely! Be on the lookout for these red flags, and learn how to protect your streaming accounts—and your bank...

This Tattoo Artist Helps People with Scars Love Their Body Again

The first fingernail tattoos started off as a joke—but soon he was getting the attention of people from all...

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20 Best Movies About Sisters to Watch with Your Sister

Pop up the corn and binge watch these heartwarming movies with your sibling.

33 Middle School Vocabulary Words Adults Still Get Wrong

Think you have a strong vocabulary? See how many of these common 8th grade reading words you can recognize when...

13 Pop Culture References That Will Confuse Anyone Born After 1990

Nothing makes you feel old quite like explaining pop culture references.

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Why We’re Still So Fascinated with Princess Diana

More than 20 years after Princess Diana's fatal car crash, "The People's Princess" continues to live large in our collective...

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A Body Language Expert Analyzes 13 Iconic Photos of Prince Charles and Princess Diana

Find out what signals the doomed royal couple were secretly sending for years.

Why Are Books Published in Hardcover First?

Paperbacks are cheaper to produce and buy than hardcover books. So why do you have to wait so long to...

75 Black-Owned Bookstores to Buy from Today—and Every Day

Shop for your next great read (in person or online) at Black-owned bookstores across the country

80 Funny Birthday Quotes Perfect for Cards

Look no further for hilariously perfect quotes for birthday cards

A Body Language Expert Analyzes 14 Iconic Photos of Queen Elizabeth

Born to be a minor member of the royal family, Queen Elizabeth II became one of the most famous people...

12 Documentaries About Race Everyone Needs to See

While these documentaries aren't always easy to watch, they're essential viewing for anyone who wants to understand the history and...

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12 Photos of Prince William Acting Like a Future King

Prince William has always been destined to be king, but who knew he was such a natural?

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A Body Language Expert Analyzes 13 Iconic Photos of Prince William and Kate Middleton

The "Babe Ruth of body language" has a lot to say about what the body language of the Prince and...

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23 Funny Poems That Will Perk Up Your Day

From animals and family life to goofy people and more, these funny poems are guaranteed to make you laugh!

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20 Books About Racism Everyone Should Read

Most of us have only scratched the surface when it comes to understanding racism in America. These anti-racism books can...

23 of the Most Beautiful Gardens in America

Need a breath of fresh air? From cherry blossoms and azaleas to cacti and rock art, these stunning gardens around...

25 of the Funniest Jerry Seinfeld Quotes

A collection of hilarious and thoughtful quotes from 
Jerry Seinfeld, a generation’s favorite comedian.

11 Crazy Overdue Library Books That Were Finally Returned

You'll never feel bad about returning a book a few days late again.

The Most Bizarre Things Librarians Have Found in Returned Books

Is there anything that can't or won't be used to mark someone's place in a library book? According to one...

The Most Borrowed Books in the History of the New York Public Library

There are a few classics and some surprises among the most checked out books in the storied library's 125-year history.

The Most Impressive Library in Every State

All of these libraries boast unique architectural achievements and grand collections.

32 Funny Drinking Quotes That Will Make You Spit Your Drink Out

Made for everyone who gets a little too excited for happy hour.

13 Good Neighbor Lessons We Learned from Mr. Rogers

We could all learn a thing or two from Fred Rogers.