A Trusted Friend in a Complicated World


Looking for funny jokes? Settle in: You're in the right place. From clean knock-knock jokes and the top corny jokes to hilarious one-liners and clever riddles, we've got the jokes guaranteed to bring on serious laughs.

Let Minnow

My husband and I were relaxing on lounge chairs on a Jamaica beach, half listening to a couple walking ankle deep in the clear water. The woman was extolling the...

Casting a Spell

Can’t believe the National Spelling Bee ended in a tye. @MattGoldich

Common Ground

The Olympics remind us that no matter what country we may be from, we all look dumb using an iPad as a camera. @DCpierson

…And Your Little Blog, Too!

What if the whole ice-bucket challenge is just a long game to bring down the Wicked Witch of the West? @Apocalypsehow

Say it With Your Pants

Boy, what a bad guy that guy is, that Vladimir Putin. Obama is really getting tough with him. Now he’s wearing a much more aggressive shade of beige. David Letterman

You Get What You Pay For

Dollar Tree bought Family Dollar for about $8 billion. It would have been $10 billion, but Family Dollar was dented. @JoeToplyn

Cut and Run

The one thing I’ve learned from the World Cup is that Europe still hasn’t mastered the haircut. @Bazecraze

Eve's Online Dating Profile

Eve Sex: Female Age: About 15 minutes since I was invented, but I don’t look a minute over ten minutes old Location: Over by some ferns Height: A tall vine...

Warning Labels We can Really Use:

Google: “Warning! You may find more than what you’re looking for.” Apple computers: “Warning! High Smug Advisory.” Wikipedia: “Warning label does not exist. Would you like to create warning label?”...

Glass Half Full (of Dung)

A child psychologist had twin boys—one was an optimist; the other, a pessimist. Just to see what would happen, on Christmas Day he loaded the pessimist’s room with toys and...

How do You Drown a Hipster?

Throw him into the mainstream. Submitted by Jesse Rehn, 
Green Bay, Wisconsin

New Year, Old Problems

It’s New Year’s Eve, and the restaurant is hopping—revelers, band, overworked waiters. Wending his way through the crowd is a drunk, staggering back to his seat. Spotting an attractive woman...

“Where’s Aunt Florence?”

After Thanksgiving dinner, the adults gathered in the living room to exchange reminiscences, while the children went into the family room to play. Suddenly our hostess noticed that an elderly...

Tollbooth Timer

I worked on a toll road, answering the phone, collecting money and issuing toll tickets. One Thanksgiving Day, a woman called to ask about road conditions on the turnpike. After...

Guest Relations

Our eldest daughter, Ann, invited her college roommate to join our large family for Thanksgiving dinner. As families sometimes do, we got into a lively argument over a trivial subject...

Holiday Heavyweights

The checkout clerk at the supermarket was unusually cheerful even though it was near closing time. “You must have picked up a ton of groceries today,” a customer said to...

Horn of Plenty

When a music student brought his French horn to my shop for repair, he complained that the instrument “felt stuffy” and he couldn’t blow air through it. It’s not unusual...

The Greatest Disguise

I wonder if Halloween is the one day of the year Lady Gaga wears sensible slacks. Jimmy Kimmel

Taken For a Ride

From a passenger of the Vacaville, California, public bus company: Dear Sir, I would like to commend driver Lea Schroeder for the following reasons: 1. She frequently doesn’t stop for...

Like Flower, Like Bud

As I entered the elevator at our hospital, a disheveled-looking man rushed in behind me carrying a ceramic blue baby bootie filled with carnations. I smiled knowingly and asked, “Does...

Well, That's a Creative Answer…

A student seeking a job at our university was handed an application. He dutifully filled out his name and address. When it came to the entry “length of residence,” he...

Come Again, Eh?

Scene: My client telling me what was required for the project. Client: “We want a total of eight 
languages—English, French, Spanish, Canadian ...” Source: clientsfromhell.net

Incumbent Imbecile

Recently I heard the former mayor of Reading, Pennsylvania, recount some funny stories about his time in office. One happened while he was running for reelection; he was in a...

"Oh, and It Doesn't Have Arms or Legs."

A woman called the Colorado State Division of Wildlife regarding a snake in her backyard. “Can you tell me what kind it is?” she asked. “Can you describe it?” I...

Start With a 5K…

One of our interns asked another if she was planning to sign up for the company’s 401(k). “I’m considering it,” replied the second intern. Later, the first intern approached me...


Just because the items in these classified ads are free doesn’t mean they’re worth it: • Free: Piano with matching bench seat, very good condition, all keys work probably Source:...

Seen on an Online Forum:

“I hate audio correct.” Aaron Fernando, 
Richmond Hill, New York


The first time my mother flew, she was a nervous wreck. During takeoff, the roar from the engines proved reassuring—it meant they were working, she reasoned. But when the plane...

For My Next Impression…

I’m now in high school, so when I ran into my third-grade teacher, I doubted she would remember me. “Hi, Miss Butcher,” I said. “Hi, Eddie,” she replied. “So you...

Malapropisms on Twitter

“Time heals all wombs.” “The seizure salad … is so good.” “I have no clue why people don’t like hammy downs … Who doesn’t like free clothes?” Source: twitter.com

Believe Me, I Would if I Could.

My three-year-old sat in the bathroom with me, watching as I removed my dentures and brushed them. After a few minutes, he asked, “Can you take your ears off too?”...

The Scale of The Situation

We were stocking up on green beans at the farmers’ market when we asked the young girl helping us for 15 pounds’ worth. “I can only sell you ten pounds...

Department of Manic Voices

The DMV was as crowded and noisy as ever. When I finally got to the window, I asked the clerk, “Does the never-ending line of loud people ever drive you...

That's Not How it Works, Dad.

Dad rarely dresses up, so when he left the bedroom decked out in a suit and tie, he wanted to commemorate the moment. Handing me a camera, he asked, “Mind...

I Owe My Life to Justin Bieber…

… I was in a coma for two years, until a nurse played one of his songs on the radio in my room, and I had to wake up to...

Back To The Cleaners

My biggest problem with time travel is: How many days would you pack for? @JoshGondelman

Grammar Kills

The village blacksmith hired an enthusiastic new apprentice willing to work long, hard hours. He instructed the boy, “When I take the shoe out of the fire, I’ll lay it...

Metal Bands For Kids

Unlocking The Truth, a heavy metal band made up of eighth graders, recently signed a $1.7 million contract with Sony. Here are more kid bands we’re bound to see: •...

Or Maybe While Breakdancing

The worst time to have a heart 
attack is during a game of charades. Demetri Martin

Poor Sports

Three fans were bemoaning the sorry state of their football team. “I blame the general manager,” said the first fan. “If he signed better players, we’d be a great team.”...

Bad, Better, Best

3 Musketeers is a good name for a chocolate bar, but a bad name for an Army division. Shout is a good name for a stain remover, but a better...

Dubious Accomplishment #23

I don’t want to brag or make anybody jealous or anything, but 
I can still fit into the earrings I wore in high school. From humorlabs.com

A Colorful Diet

My parents used to stuff me with candy when I was a kid. M&M’s, Jujubes, SweeTarts. I don’t think they wanted a child; I think they wanted a piñata. Wendy...

The Better Paleo Diet

I’m on the Paleo diet, 
except I’m the caveman who discovered Snickers. @rexhuppke

You Are What Your Eat

I used to love the candy Nerds, but I stopped eating them when I realized that for me, it was basically cannibalism. Rob O’Reilly

A Holiday Quiz

“Pretend to be someone you’re 
not, and receive candy.” Quick: 
Halloween or 
Valentine’s Day? @aaronfullerton

I'm a Busy Ghost, People

People always ask kids the same stupid questions. “What are you supposed to be?” I’m supposed to be done by now. You wanna move it along with the 3 Musketeers?...

A Fun-Size Quibble

When it comes to candy bars, the term fun-sized is misleading. There is nothing fun about your candy bar being ⅛ the size of a regular bar. You should call...

The Face of Deception

“I have a beard.” —a bald-faced liar Myq Kaplan

The Real Reason For Shaving Cream

Do you think shaving cream really softens your beard … 
or is it just so you don’t lose your place? Jackie Flynn

When is Your Beard Too Long?

When the comments turn from “Hey! I really like your beard!” into “Hey! … A beard!” Ron Babcock

Facial Deduction

Some guy’s looking at this old picture of me with no beard. Then he looks at me and goes, “You grow a beard?” No, I shave my photos. Sean Morey

Pick a 'Vember, Any 'Vember

While you’re honoring Movember by not shaving for prostate cancer awareness, I’ll be celebrating Doughvember, the pizza month I made up. @ChrisThayerSays

The Spirit of Movember

I won’t be shaving this November, in order to raise awareness for 
how lazy I am. Tim Siedell

"Who Doesn't Love Pork Fat?"

Boss to underling: “When I 
told you that you smelled like bacon grease, it was a compliment.” Source: overheardintheoffice.com

Idiots Abroad

The British foreign office helps Brits traveling abroad. Here are some odder requests they’ve fielded: • A man who was hospitalized in Cambodia when a monkey hit him with a...

Miles and Gigabytes Away

Right now, I’m at work, using the Internet. But in my mind, I’m already at home, using the Internet. @Bridger_w

Bad Typos in Real Newspapers

We all make mistakes. Some are just more public than others, like these real newspaper typos: “Here the bridal couple stood, facing the floral setting, and exchanged cows.”     Modesto...

Yo Quiero a Clean Criminal Record

Scene: Me driving by a Taco Bell. Sign: Now Hiring Managers. [Two weeks later …] Sign: Now Hiring Managers. Background Checks Required. From notalwaysworking.com

Our Office Needs a 3D Printer

Our boss asked the new mail-room guy to make three copies of an office key. The guy returned ten minutes later with the copies … which he’d made on the...

Shane. My Office. Now.

Shane works in the deli department of a large supermarket chain, where he often finds himself in trouble. Just look at the notes management has supposedly written to him: “Shane,...

Air Force Truisms

“Never fly in the same cockpit with someone braver than you.” “The only time you have too much fuel is when you’re on fire.” “Weather forecasts are horoscopes with numbers.”...

Head to the Dentist

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when my squad leader barged in. He was holding a toothbrush, which he proceeded to use to scrub underneath the rim of...

Terrified: The Only Way to Fly

Richard Branson has announced plans to develop a new type of plane that can fly from New York to Tokyo in one hour. Apparently, the engines are powered by human...

A Moment of Reflection

I shave each morning in front 
of my car’s passenger-side mirror. That way, I get a closer shave than 
it actually appears. Submitted by Philip Rogers, 
Latham, New York

Put-Downs Down Under

A Briton flies into Australia and is asked by the immigration officer, “Do you have any felony convictions?” The Briton replies, “Sorry. I didn’t realize that was still a requirement.”

Start Over, Por Favor?

After 12 years of therapy, 
my psychiatrist said something that brought tears to my eyes. He said, “No hablo Inglés.” Comedian Ronnie Shakes

A Bargain You Shouldn't Pass Over

A Pennsylvania couple had trouble selling their home after strange apparitions and sounds forced them to admit in their ad that it was “slightly haunted.” The Week asked its readers...

From Your Lips to God’s…Lips

In Heaven, you get back all the Chapsticks you lost. @IamEnidColeslaw

All Dolled Up

A husband and wife had been married for 60 years and had no secrets except for one: The woman kept in her closet a shoe box that she forbade her...

A Grave Encounter

After trick-or-treating, a teen takes a shortcut home through the cemetery. Halfway across, he’s startled by a tapping noise coming from the misty shadows. Trembling with fear, he spots an...

Prepare for Takeoff

Did you know a bird is the only animal that you can throw and you’d be helping it? Comedian Sean O’Connor

Heading Off Criticism

Think the comments on Internet posts are tough? See what happened when the Washington Post asked its readers to write intentionally angry letters to actual headlines: Headline: 20,000 Pound Pavement...